The Fool is the first card in the Tarot’s 22 Major Arcana archetypal card lineup. And its card number “0” denotes ground zero, where all potentialities are possible along the Fool’s spiritual journey.
Although Tarot’s Minor Arcana cards relate to everyday life lessons, its Major Arcana’s archetypal cards relate to significant life lessons. Furthermore, all Souls must face both big and small lessons throughout their lifetime. And since Souls incarnate to further their spiritual growth via lessons, the Fool’s is a spiritual journey.
Moreover, the Major Arcana is often likened to the Hero’s Journey through the trials and tribulations one must master throughout a lifetime. In the first Major Arcana card the Fool, the hero in this scenario, sets out on a journey as a complete novice in the ways of the world.
Then, on his journey the Fool meets up with each Major Arcana archetype to learn what he can from them. Finally, in the last card the Fool has graduated his trials and steps out of the fray into the World, a spiritually evolved being.
The Fool Card’s Symbolism

Most versions of this card depict the Fool about to take a long walk or leap off a short cliff, Lol. Due to the bundle of belongings slung over his shoulder, it’s apparent he intends to leave home for an important journey.
Notably, the Fool seems oblivious to where he’s going or how far the cliff is above the valley floor. For his gaze is focused on the flower he clutches that represents his innocence and naivety. Moreover, his trusted little dog companion looks on as though he thinks stepping off the cliff is a flawed idea.
Nonetheless, the Fool appears to be determined and excited about taking a leap of faith by stepping out into the great unknown.
When the Fool Turns up in Your Reading
Fool Card Keywords – Beginning of a new journey, Take a leap of faith
Should the Fool turn up in a reading, it’s most often a good omen. For it could mean the Querent (reading requestor) is courageously about to embark on an exciting new path or journey.
Fool Card Reversed Meaning
I personally don’t read reversed (upside down) cards. But if you do, the Fool reversed can mean that one should look before they leap. For they may be about to jump into something messy without thinking it through.
Discovering your Path with this Fool’s Spiritual Journey Spread
Many clients and students often ask me; how can I discover what my true spiritual path is? Or how do I know I’m on the right spiritual path? To this end I’ve created the below 7-card spread intended for discovering one’s true spiritual path.
I most often use a 7 card horseshoe shaped spread for my professional and personal Tarot readings as I have here. But feel free to use any shape you wish.
The Fool’s Spiritual Journey Spread
Card 1 – What clues have I received relating to my true spiritual path?
Card 2 – Where am I currently in discovering my spiritual path?
Card 3 – What is the next step in discovering my spiritual path?
Card 4 – What spiritual energies are helping me discover my spiritual path?
Card 5 – What am I passionate about? What are my unique gifts?
Card 6 – What is my potential outcome in the search for my spiritual path?
Card 7 – What is my true spiritual path?
Final Words on the Fool‘s Spiritual Journey
We all have the same spiritual purpose. And that is to walk a path in service to others using whatever spiritual gifts we’ve incarnated with. The key to finding our spiritual path is determining what our gifts and talents are and how we can use them in service to others. Thus, we need only ask ourselves what is my personal super power? And, what am I passionate about? For the answer to these questions will point us to our spiritual purpose and path.
I hope you will give this Fool’s Spiritual Journey Spread a try to unearth your true spiritual path. I know you will find it as insightful as I have. Happy Taroting!
Note: To book a professional Tarot reading with Jeannette see our Book a Reading page.
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