So, a Querent (reading requestor) has booked a professional Tarot reading with you, now what? No, worries, that are several effective Tarot reading delivery methods. These varied methods include, in-person, live face-to-face online, telephone, typed email, MP3 voice file, and video file. Although, some flashier methods discussed here require technical skill, the old school methods don’t, yet are still effective.
Tarot Reading Delivery Methods
For instructions on how to conduct a reading start to finish, see our earlier post, Anatomy of an Effective Tarot Reading. Then take a look at the below reading delivery methods to see which one may work best for you:
I. In-person Reading Delivery Method
The In-person reading is conducted at a fair venue, new age shop, or your own place of business. And the Reader and Querent are both present.
Pros and Cons of the In-person Tarot Reading Delivery Method
A pro of giving in-person readings is the Querent’s real time validation during the reading ensuring you stay on track. And the Querent can also view the cards laid down in the spread.
A con is in-person readings put the Reader on the spot with little time to peruse the reading before responding. Another con is if you are doing back-to-back readings, there’s a set time requirement for completing each reading.
2. Live Face-to-Face Online Delivery Method
This method requires a working knowledge of either Face Time, Zoom, or Facebook Messenger’s Live Video. And the Reader holds up each card to the camera for the Querent to view while interpreting it.
Pros and Cons of the Face-to-Face Online Tarot Delivery Method
I’ve conducted readings by Face Time, Zoom, and Facebook Messenger Live Video and prefer the Facebook method. For Facebook Messenger Live Video is free. And since it requires Querents to become a Facebook friend, it increases your followers. A pro for this method is you receive the Querent’s immediate validation that you are on the right track. And the Querent can view the cards as the Reader holds them up to the camera.
Cons of this method are not everyone owns an Apple device for using Face Time and Zoom requires a subscription. Also, like in-person readings, the Reader is on the spot with little time to study the cards before responding. Another con is these readings require some tech knowledge of the software used. Additionally, this method requires a scheduled appointment.
3. Telephone Reading Delivery Method
This method is a simple live telephone call. These telephone readings are typical of the psychic reading hotlines.
Pros and Cons of Telephone Reading Delivery Method
Pros of this method are it’s optimal for Readers who aren’t tech savvy and those opposed to typing up a reading. It also affords immediate validation from the Querent.
Cons of this method are the Reader is on the spot with little time to study the cards and it requires a scheduled appointment. And if the reading is timed, the Reader must interpret all the cards within the time slot. Also, the Querent can’t view the cards.
4. Typed Email Reading Delivery Method
This is my fav delivery method for giving professional Tarot readings. Now, I certainly understand if you view typing a reading an unnecessary drudgery. But hear me out.
Because I’m a writer, composing a typed email reading is my Tarot reading superpower. Those who read either of my blogs or take my classes know I always strive to be thoroughly detailed to the point of ad nauseum. And my typed email Tarot readings are no exception.
This is How I Conduct my Email Tarot readings:
First, the Querent books a reading via email and pays for their reading through Zelle or Venmo.
Second, I work with them through email to co-create an empowering reading question. Once we have the question nailed down impressions begin coming to me before conducting the reading.
Third, I shuffle the cards while asking the Querent’s question and lay out the cards into my fav 7-card horseshoe spread.
Fourth, I look over the entire reading, and may walk away and return to peruse it a time or two more. Then I take a cell phone pic and I’m ready to type up the reading at any time and location I like.
Fifth, I type up the reading using a template I’ve developed. Oftentimes, I type readings up at my fav Thai restaurant or coffee shop from my phone pic. The reading just flows out of me in these venues.
If you’re wondering if I can connect to a Querent who is not present, trust me it’s not a problem. I’ve given email readings to Querents located all over the US and many foreign countries. Believe me folks all over the world have the same questions about the same situations as those in our own backyard.
Pros and Cons of Typed Email Tarot Reading Delivery Method
There are definite pros to delivering readings via email. Firstly, you can take your time perusing the reading. Secondly, you can schedule when and where you type it up. Thirdly, I like not having to meet my Querent at a specific time. Furthermore, you can overcome the Querent not seeing the cards by including a pic of them in the reading email.
However, I rather like them not being able to see my cards. For I own 70 plus decks and if I use an especially quirky one, it might put the Querent off. Lol! Therefore, I prefer to list the cards in the reading and type next to them my interpretation of each one and not include images of them.
One con is, if you have a question you will have to wait for the Querent to answer your email asking it. Another con is, without the absent Querent’s immediate validation, you could go off on a tangent in an incorrect direction. Moreover, unless you’re a speed typist, most Readers can say something faster than they can type it. For typing and editing a reading is time consuming.
5. MP3 Voice File Download Delivery Method
This delivery method involves creating a voice recording of the reading and emailing it to the Querent.
Pros and Cons of MP3 Voice File Download Tarot Reading Delivery Method
Pros of this method are it can be done on your schedule, and edited before emailing it to the Querent. Therefore, you have plenty of time to peruse the reading and plan a script to say for the reading.
Cons of this method are no immediate Querent validation, and it requires voice recording and editing skills.
6. Video File Delivery Method
This delivery method requires creating a video recording of the reading and emailing it to the Querent.
Pros and Cons of Video File download Tarot Reading Delivery Methods
Pros are, like the MP3 method, it can be done on your schedule and edited before emailing the video to the Querent.
Cons are, like the MP3 method, a lack of immediate validation from the Querent, and it requires video recording and editing skills. And stage fright can also be an issue for the Reader being videotaped.
Final Words for Tarot Reading Delivery Methods
I hope you found this discussion of the various Tarot reading delivery methods helpful. Why not give several of them a try to discover your fav method. You may even combine a few, like including an MP3 voice or video file in your typed email reading. Happy Taroting!
Note: To book a professional Tarot reading with Jeannette see our Book a Reading page.
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