Creativity, whether creating life (babies) or projects is a major theme of the Empress. Thus, you can connect to your innate creativity when working with the energies of the Empress. Order wise, the Empress card is the 4th card in the Major Arcana section of the traditional Tarot deck. Notably, the Major Arcana cards relate…
Featured Tarot Cards
Connect to Your Spiritual Guidance with the High Priestess
The High Priestess is Tarot’s number II Major Arcana card. And she is is decidedly the most spiritual and intuitive card in the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck. For she represents great spiritual knowledge hidden beyond the veil from the uninitiated. But only those worthy with developed intuitive skills can access her veiled knowledge. However, you can…
The Magician – Tarot’s Manifestation Card
Is there a specific goal you yearn to manifest? Then look no further than the Magician card, Tarot’s widely considered “Manifestation Card.” The Magician card is #1 of the 22 Major Arcana cards. But since it follows the Fool (#0) it’s actually the second card. Where, the Fool represents commencing the journey toward the goal,…
The Fool’s Spiritual Journey
The Fool is the first card in the Tarot’s 22 Major Arcana archetypal card lineup. And its card number “0” denotes ground zero, where all potentialities are possible along the Fool’s spiritual journey. Although Tarot’s Minor Arcana cards relate to everyday life lessons, its Major Arcana’s archetypal cards relate to significant life lessons. Furthermore, all…
The 5 Bad Boys of Tarot
Death, Devil, Tower, and Swords, Oh my! There are 5 specific Tarot cards that give Readers pause, and strike fear in the hearts of their Querents (reading requestors). These 5 cards that cause such concern are non-affectionately referred to as the “Bad Boys of Tarot.” And their traditional names are the Death, Devil, Tower, 3…